Friday, November 19, 2010

Personalized Zippo

I am one of those people how used to smoke and quit a lot of times before  finally being  able to completely be tobacco free.  It's been so long since I've smoked a cigarette that I can't  even remember the date I stopped  smoking.  If I carried a pack of smokes in my pocket today I would be forced to go outside just so I could light up.  Times and people's  tolerance of smokers have sure changed . I don't see how smoking could be pleasurable today with all the glares and sneers one gets when they light up.  Even when I smoked I  heard every warning and all the advice that comes along with any tobacco use but nothing seem to phase my appetite for tobacco.  "Hey just stop"  was the most insulting advice I always heard from non smokers but I deep-down envied them for not being addicted to tobacco.  Tobacco is incredibly seductive and addictive but smokers overlook those facts until they have a massive stroke, discover they have emphysema, cancer or heart disease.
In every respect the cost of tobacco use is high.  It is the leading cause of death in America.  Death from tobacco related issues outnumber deaths caused by alcohol,  illegal drugs, car accidents, suicide and homicide combined.  But to try and force someone to quit smoking is almost impossible if not illegal.  There are smokers who would take the musket down from the mantel, jam Grandpappy Yokum's corncob pipe in their mouth and tell you to kiss their ass if you told them they could never smoke again.  That group of smokers is never going to quit.  If they did, their personalized  Zippo lighter would  always  be too much temptation and they would fire up another cancer stick sooner or later.
Most smokers want to quit but a social climate is usually the hardest impediment  in their road to a tobacco free life.  Community resources and policy infrastructures are always in reach of ever smoker but most smokers are blinded by their addiction.  Whether you take a few drags every once in awhile or you smoke like a chimney.  Whether there is more smoke in your surroundings than in a Bogart  movie or you smoke an occasionally cigarette while alone at home, you might as well turn on the neon beer sign.
Tobacco use of any kind is harmful if not more so than any other addictive substance. The Great American Smoke Out Day arrived  on November 18th.  If you are a smoker I hope you   tried your hardest to stop smoking if only for one day.  If your addicted to tobacco, just one tobacco free day could change your life and the lives of those around you who threw away their personalized Zippos a long time ago.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    YBB has never placed a cig in his mouth and YBB will never will. Just thought makes me sick. And yes you can JUST STOP!!!!!!!!


  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I am a non smoker myself...but I disagree with YBB..if you are hoked on is difficult to stop.....

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    ybb never said it is not difficult to stop, what ybb said its...... just stop! Stopping starts with the mind!



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