The case for Obstruction of Justice against President Trump grows stronger every day. If I were a betting man I'd say there's a better than 50% chance that Robert Mueller will bring those charges against the President. But proving the President obstructed justice or anything else for that matter is a whole other matter. It's probably more likely the Special Counsel will put some of the President's men on the gallows. You know what they say about rats on a sinking ship "it's every rat for him or herself". When President Nixon's ship began sinking it was the President's rats that squealed on one another as they jumped off the sinking ship, forcing Captain Nixon to go down with his ship.
I just can't see President Trump being reelected. I never thought he would have been elected in the first place but I sure had to eat my words on that one. Needless to say I won't be flying off to Vegas to place any wagers on the next presidential election.
Don't blame YBB..............YBB did not vote for Trump!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe will be the last rat off the ship
ReplyDeleteCalling him a rat is too good! He's much worse than a rat!
Rat shit is more like it
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