Friday, November 13, 2020

Detached From Realities

      Donald Trump still thinks he won the election so he seems to be starting his second term.  He will be taking full advantage of the time he has left.  It would not surprise me if he fires several Cabinet members.  He has already fired his Secretary of Defence and there is no telling who is next.  He also told all his aids and advisers they would be fired immediately if they start looking for a job between now and  January.  Look for Trump to start signing executive orders right and left which is really  stupid.  Biden will simply undo them all with the stroke of a pen.  Yes Trump is still President until January but he acting like he will be President for the next four years.  He will shortly be resuming his travel itinerary holding rallies all over North America.

I don't know why the President is surprised he lost the election.  During the last six months of the election he failed to lay out any agenda for his next four years.  At least Biden told us what his agenda is.  All Trump said was "Make America Great Again".  Plain and simple President Trump is detached from realities and it gets worse every day.  I've said it before and I'll say it again "he will go down in history as the worst American president".


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