Friday, January 15, 2021

Eat More Fruit

      Every year I make the same resolution "Eat More fruit".  Last year I started with apples trying to eat one every day.  I was pretty successful and soon came to love apples.  This year I added mandarins oranges to the list.  A three pound bag of small gala apples is around $3  and a five pound bag of mandarins is between $5 and $6  both cheap enough to be a staple in my diet.                                                                         Fruits of all types are readily available  year round in most supermarkets.  I like both galas and mandarins but have to admit that if a doughnut was in front of me I would grab the doughnut before I grabbed the apple or mandarin.  Doughnuts are delicious in ways an apple  or mandarin could never be but I'm not about to eat a doughnut every day.                                                                                                                  I prefer fruit that has a long shelf life.  Apples if kept in the refrigerator will last almost two months while mandarins have a  much shorter shelf life.  I'm still experimenting with the mandarin shelf life but it looks like it's at least two weeks.  I seem to plan my trips to the grocery store when I run out of fruit.  Even if fruit in not on my list it seems to find it's way into my cart.  Here lately I've eating a couple of mandarins for breakfast and an apple for an afternoon snack.  So far my new years resolution is holding.  Will I get full of apples and oranges and grab a box of doughnuts the next time I go to the grocery store.  Maybe!

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