Friday, July 23, 2010

Marriages of Heaven and Hell

I am going to crawl out on a limb and write about a subject I have no practical experience in. Before you saw that limb off, those of you who do have that experience will have to admit that marriage can be heaven and divorce can be hell.
I applaud the courage of those who leave a longstanding marriage as much as those who stay together till death do us part. Its just that I've never found myself in either situation and really don't know why. Some might say I am lucky while others might say I am unlucky and some might say luck plays no part of this subject. Maybe its my weariness at making the compromises that are inevitable part of living with another human. I do what I want when I want to do it, doing my best to run life with out a partner's supervision. If the colors of marriage ever entered the picture I'm sure the thought of divorce would tag right along. I would probably be formulating a divorce game plan as I walked up the isle and out of the church. All the promises made at the alter are never to be taken lightly or made trivial in any way but the world is one giant supermarket of undisciplined desire. That desire always made it difficult for me to even think about the joys of commitment. Knowing who I am and that freedom and control works best for me has come in very handy when the thought of marriage was in the air. Too many people never get to know their "Me" before they commit to being "We".
There are many descriptions for heaven and hell but there is only one description for marriage and that's commitment and responsibility. Since I've always treated commitment and responsibility as though they were red hot pokers I'll probably experience heaven or hell before I experience marriage. There is some truth to the saying "Never say never" so second chances in life are possible even for me. Maybe someday a lady will bring over a plate of cookies or her famous casserole. She will have flowers in he hair and a tattoo on her thigh. Free love and incense flash backs of the 60's and 70's when the words commitment and responsibility were not in the dictionary will flood my mind. That would be heaven at least until she decided to stay awhile then the thunder of hell would surly follow.

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