President Obama was in Austin this week speaking at one of America's great bastions of liberalism, the University of Texas. The captive audience of students drooled at the President's every word while Independents, the Tea Party and business community continued to stockpile for their defense, making sure to keep their powder dry for the up coming mid term elections. In about three months that election will elect a whole new House of Representatives along with a small change in the Senate. Americans who have been subject to wide spread anti Democratic sentiment will be called fourth to decide the direction of America's future. That sentiment has turned into a giant wave which is going to drown all those who have forgotten who taught them to swim. The Republicans would like for the poor, the working class and minorities to come down with a case of amnesia while they ride the wave in their boats of no answers and denial of past Republican policies that got America into the greatest mess since the Great Depression. On the other hand, the Democratic boat is full of health care, the resurrection of the automobile industry, a stimulus package and financial reform. That boat should be able to survive any wave.
It is high time America reflects on compassion and not about the tax cuts for Millionaires and Special interest. If that reflection does not come then millions of American will be left without a life preserver. My advice to all those Me Me Me people! Jump in the Democratic boat now because there are only a few life preserver and is sure as the every wave crashes onto the beach, the millionaires and special interest will be the only ones allowed to use those preserver.
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