Friday, August 27, 2010

Snagging Some Shade

It's that time of year when the sun's rays are at their strongest and the sun's damage is never scarier.  For a few months during the summer I usually wear a hat if I am going to be out in the sun for very long.  While a hat may have little if any effect on shielding the rays from an Ozone layer, wearing a hat will somewhat protect the head and face.  A hat or cap will even take your looks up a notch or two and Lord knows I need all the notches I can muster up but that's not why I wear a hat.  I don't think I've ever worn a hat as part of a look.  Maybe a sports cap to show team spirit but that about completes the history of my hat ensembles.
Being a little old fashioned, most of the time I remove my hat when I enter a building but more and more I find myself forgetting about that ritual.  Only once have I been ask to remove a hat and that was in all places, the upstairs gallery of Texas State Senate.  I should have known better so I'm going to blame that memory loss on the Texas Senate gallery's  third floor altitude. Maybe I've fallen into the trap of making my own rules when it comes to hat etiquette.  The Texas Senate seems to make their own rules with no regards for the rest of the public so why can't I make my own rules when I'm in their house.  Maybe there needs to be a no hat sign posted at the entrance of the Capital. If there was such an official  rule, all the Department of Public Safety officers manning the metal detectors  at the Capital's entrances would be out of uniform because they would not be allowed to wear their gray cowboy hats. If there was such a sign, all the people wearing a $100 fedora would argue their hat is not a $10 baseball cap and they should be granted an exception to the rule. It's just their way of trying to make everyone else think they are special just like those blow hards on the Senate floor.
Besides anyone who forks over $100 for a Frank Sinatra disguise can probably buy they way into the Texas Senate where rules don't much matter.
People who wear a hat no matter what will tell you they have to wear a hat and they have excuses to prove their case.  Their hair is messed up therefore they need a hat to cover up the hairdo from hell. Their hat is part of their outfit and with out  the hat the desired look they are going for will be impossible. Or my favorite, My hat is not hurting anyone!  Well I've never had a look and my hair is down to the middle of my back.  That hair is going to do what it wants when it wants depending how the wind is blowing so that leaves me with one excuse.  My hat is not hurting anyone but that's such a self-centered lame excuse I am almost to embarrassed to use it.
Maybe I'll just try to remember to remove my hat when I enter a building or better yet run for the office of Texas Senator.  If elected, I pass a no hat law then exempt myself from the law. I'll finnaly be able to wear a hat in the Senate Gallery.  Besides there are plenty of large trees on the Capital grounds where all you non- special folks can snag a little shade.

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