Friday, September 24, 2010

Addiction and Recovery

Moderate drinking and drug use, is there such a thing? I sure don't think so but then again that's only one alcoholic's opinion.  I hear people say "A drink or two a day is good for you". I have a hard time coming to term with that statement besides what passed for moderate drinking?  One drink a day, one or two drinks a week, several drinks on a weekend which is it?  The way I see it, when a person starts doing something on a regular basis that is know to be addictive they will become addicted to it sooner or later. Whether on not they want to admit to the addiction is a life meter that lives only in their mind. As long as I'm talking about addiction I'll throw cigarettes into the mix. If I am going to talk bad about alcoholics I might as well piss off smokers also.  Alcohol and cigarettes are in the same category, both are sold commercially and have a heavy hand in producing addiction even though both substances are legal. I can hear all you drinkers and smokers "Sounds like the writer is bringing out his morality scales"Does he think he is better because he does not smoke or drink"?
If you know me at all you would think my liberal attitude on life would bred a stance towards openness when it comes to substance abuse.  But because I've been on both sides of the fence when it comes to addiction I can speak from over 30 years of addiction and 11 years of sobriety. Morality plays no part in my feelings towards substance addiction. I know what works best for me and addiction of any kind is another nail in my coffin.  I am no spring chicken so I sure don't need anyone using the last few addiction nails to hammer the coffin lid shut. I have a lot of traits that are as strong and  true as any steel beam in the tallest building but handling any kind of addiction is not one of those traits.  That's why after 11 years of sobriety I still go to AA meetings on a regular basis.  This addict works  hard not to become complacent about his recovery and will always be in recovery for the rest of his life, make no mistake about that! Trying to pick and chose a recovery path by limiting a drug of choice is a deadly path. One  can't always travel down the Yellow Brick Road but if  a detour occurs  you better try your hardest and fastest to get back on the

 Yellow Brick Road or you could live in the land of the Wicked Witch of the East for the rest of your life.

 Sunday I celebrate 11 years of continues sobriety and you will find me in an AA club where there is always strength in numbers.  I may not know the person setting next to me but he will be helping me just as much as I am helping him. We will fight the witches together  one day at a time.  


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I am so proud of y9ou for your 11 years !!! You have come a long way.....and I am so so proud of you.....

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    good on ya mate!


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