Friday, September 17, 2010

Adjusting Our Sails

No one ever said life was going to be easy.  Overcoming obstacles in our lives can  be challenging.  Most of the adversity will never come close to the few life changing obstacles everyone will face sooner or later. Those life changing adversities can leave us with a feeling of inadequacies, uselessness or even being incapable at times.  We complain we are too short, over weight  or don't feel good and on and on.  Too often small issues appear bigger than they really are.  We let the obstacles dominate our behavior, causing our attitude to become a category 5 hurricane. Everyone knows no good has ever come from a category 5 hurricane.  It will leave a path of devastation where ever it blows.
We can not always choose what happens in life but we can choose to respond with either fear or love, with anger or acceptance.  We can't control the wind but we can adjust our sails allowing us to sail around a category 5 hurricane. Every one of us will encounter a hurricane some time during our life so it best to admit to all our flaws, our weaknesses and strengths. Get to know what your are looking at in the mirror every morning!
Focusing on what you don't have and not what you do  have will only deflate the energy you need to sail around that hurricane when it blows into your life.  Fill that sail with an attitude of gratitude.
Each one of us gets a different number of days, months and years to live but it's important to never give up.   Making that effort every day will hoist our sails and that's really the only requirement for the voyage of life.  Being able to adjust those sails as the wind direction changes is the difference between happiness and misery.

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