If you don't set your clocks back one hour Saturday night, you will be setting in the church pew long before the preacher starts his sibylline message of "your going to Hell unless you change your ways". Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday and the phase Fall Back means we gain a hour. The first few mornings are always difficult with Daylight Savings adjustments. The time adjustment is suppose to give us more daylight each day but some don't like the adjustment and I am in that camp. Mother Nature should be the one who sets our clocks not some group of bureaucrats in Washington. Mother Nature and her animals could care less about human trickery but neither Earth's animals or Mother Nature has a vote so they don't count.
Clearly we are creatures of habit and the circadian rhythms are flowing through our bodies for good reason. Biological clocks are not meant to be switched on and off at a whim so how are we suppose to adjust to this nuisance? Are we suppose to sleep a hour longer each morning so that our biological clocks keep Mother Nature's correct time? If so, that would sure make a lot of Sleepyheads real happy.

I object to being told I am saving daylight when reason tells me I am doing nothing of the kind. I object to the implication that I am wasting something valuable if I decide to sleep a hour longer. What about all of us who think moonlight is cool? I demand the Washington bureaucrats give us a choice between Daylight Saving Time and Moonlight Saving Time. The mere fact that an elected official or any bossy busybody restricts any human from his or her natural rhythms is downright anti Mother Nature. I think it's time to bring out the protest signs. It's about time someone teaches those Bureaucrats and busybodies the lesson of "It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature".
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