Money Money Money! It can't buy happiness but it can sure buy a lot of things that contribute to happiness. If you have ever been without money, you know the lack of it brings much more unhappiness than possessing it brings happiness. It's real easy to take money for granted until you don't have it anymore. But spending it right can contribute to a lot of happiness.
It does not matter if you are rich or poor, everyone makes choices as to how to spend money and those choices either produce or hinder happiness. No two people are effected by money the same way. It really depends on what kind of person you are and what you want out of life. Some buy a dog, some a sports car, some have kids and others no kids at all , some buy a house and others like myself live in an RV. What's important to one is not necessarily important to another.
There have been times in my life when happiness depended on how much money and possessions I had in relationship to what everybody else had. That attitude was a mistake and one I have not made in a long time. It took me a while to learn that one person's fortune can be another person's nightmare

So what really makes me happy? I seem to be the happiest when I am learning, growing and seeing changes for the better. This applies to several areas of my life, intellectual, spiritual, emotional and yes, financial. Even when there is enough money to cover all my needs I can become irritable when I began to feel that just a little more money will buy total happiness. At that point I know it's time to start counting my blessings, do something interesting, accomplish a task I've been putting off or do something as simple as help another human.
Money Money Money! It can be important or unimportant, it's up to you.
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