Friday, December 17, 2010

One Man's Junk is another Man's Treasure

Christmas is right around the corner and millions of Americans will be making the trip to Gamma's house.  The choice of transportation for some will be by air.  If you are one of those who will board a plane for the trip are you prepared for leering security personial  and up close and personal pat-downs?
All the complaining over the new procedures at American airports are in my opinion overblown and immature.  Get a grip all you embarrassed complainers!  The marginal invasion of privacy is small relative to the potential benefit of averting a terrorist attack.  What if a bomber did slip through just because you did not feel like a little feely-touchy?  I guess all you sensitive people would blame President Obama and say it was not your fault that a terrorist with a bomb in his underware was able to board a plane.
I'll be the first to admit the pat down is intrusive but I'll also bet a lot of people have touched your crotch, some you admit to and some you won't.  We all have a crotch so don't pretend you don't!  Now that we have established we all have one is there anybody out there who has ever called theirs Junk as in "don't touch my junk"?  Surely your doctor has looked at yours and probably even poked at it but even your doctor has never  used the word junk when describing it and neither has he called it treasure in advance of grabbing it.
So for all you people who think you have some kind of buried treasure or some kind of junk yard in your pants, forget about it.  Accept the pat down and for once do something for the greater public good.

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