Christmas is open to all kinds of interpretations not just my views on the holiday. But one fact that everyone will agree to is, Christmas has come and gone once again. Christmas has turned into a long and giant commercial event with a small hint of hope and possibility lurking within it's mist. This all sounds a little "Bah Humbug" but that's not how I feel at all.
The holiday has many layers but whether you are a Pagan or Christian, all culture seems to sift through the year end holiday one way or another. Being a Christian I see the birth of Jesus, yet have not attended church in many years. My first interpretations of Christmas were formed years before I knew anything about the birth of Jesus. Later those interpretations were formed from personal connections and all the nostalgia stored away after each Christmas. I try to rekindle the holiday spirit each year by embracing all the entanglements the special day has to offer. Goodwill, gratitude, hospitality, charity and hope are only a few of the entangles but I'll admit I sometimes have to push myself to put any of them into practice. Recently attending the Charles Dickens play "A Christmas Carol" it's lines suggest redemption of even the coldest heart is possible. Now I am not saying I've got a cold heart but self centered I am so push I must!

Christmas has evolved into a holiday that offers something for everyone. The day tends to be more redundant than most holidays because we don't want to deal with it's complexities. It brings individualism and cultures into confrontation. It causes us to examine relationships, faith and memories. The holiday requires the setting of priorities, establishing tolerances and a hunt for reality. Yes I need a good dose of reality each year and probably so do you. Most people are not truly qualified to drive Santa's Slay even if they claim their interpretation of Christmas is as pure as snow. We all need to take off the red suit, return Rudolph to his pasture and put nostalgia under lock and key, December 25, 2011 will come soon enough.
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