How I look at the opposite sex has changed over the years. My head still turns fast at that drop dead gorgeous lady but where lust used to rule my world, that's not as attractive as it used to be. Today an average looking female with an better than average intelligence is much more appealing. Surly lust is not hiding, just waiting for me to make a fool of myself! "You old fool" What! I'm not 60 yet, well almost. That smart woman just got better looking and she even seems charming.
Yes personality can enhance or detract from physical beauty. But when it comes to inter beauty it's all in the perception. Perception varies from person to person but there are three things than can turn drop dead gorgeous into nothing more than a pile of lust. Selfishness, pessimism, and narcissism are all piles I try my best to avoid stepping into when hunting for that elusive inter beauty.
Look Look here come a size 2. There I go again blindly stepping into a pile of lust. Don't I deserve a break? After all I am a red blooded male and everyone knows we all think with that thing between our legs not the thing that sets on our shoulders.
A social duckling I've never been. Lust has always started my quacking but that is changing. These days if I can manage to step over a few of those piles I've talked about, I can paddle with any duckling who shows interest in others rather than herself, who's somewhat confident and willing to swim in any pond I'm willing to swim in. Now if only that ugly duckling was a size two, I could swim all day.
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