Friday, May 20, 2011

You Will Pay And So Will I

     Does it really make any difference if gasoline is $3.50-$4.50 or $5.50?  Sure it does but what can we do about it, nothing!  Seems like every time we pull up to the pump the cost per gallon is higher than when we filled our tank the previous time.  There have been a few times when I could swear I saw the price change as I was standing at the pump.  Once the price gets over $4 a gallon it's hard to figure ones gasoline needs into a monthly budget without doing without something else.  Oil companies are posting record profits yet they raise hell at the thought of paying higher taxes to the government.  Big Oil knows the public can't do without black gold so pay the greedy oil barons we do.
     Places to go and no way to get there may come sooner than we think.  Public transportation, bicycling and walking are all possibilities but I live twenty five miles from the closest public transportation hub so catching a bus  is out of the question.  Bicycling, I don't think so!  Anyone who rides a bike in Austin has got to be crazy, not to mention the death wish they must have.  That leaves walking which I do a lot of.  The problem is none of us live anywhere close to anything. and even if we did we still need a car to haul all the stuff we buy.
     It's pretty clear the price of gasoline is all about greed.  There is no harm in business making a profit but $4 a gallon is greed pure and simple. Playing on our hopes, they tell us gasoline is getting ready to drop 50 cents per gallon this summer but I'll have to see it to believe it.  That's just great, paying $3.50 a gallon instead of $4.00 a gallon will surly lower my resentments against Big Oil.

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