Almost from the moment Governor Rick Perry announced his bid for the United States Presidency, evangelical Christians were singing hal-le-lu-jah. Thirty thousand of their sect met in Houston to hear remarks from Mr. Perry. That spectacle will loom large in the Republican primaries. Such an appeal to God strikes me as an investment in a magical solution. Magical thinking only suspends disbelief and defies true reasoning. Cut, Cap and Balance is certainly not the Holy Trinity nor is it sound reasoning for promising salvation.
The conservative side of the population will always have their beliefs heavily weighted with a faith based quality. The "God is on our side" won't win a presidential election nor will a False Prophet lead anyone to the promised land. Governor Perry has already tried to destroy what hopes the poor and less fortunate Texans have left and if he is elected president he will try and destroy the rest of America's poor and less fortunate. I can't for the life of me understand why Christians are so enamored with this man. Defending the poor and less fortunate is a stone in every Christian's pyramid so why are they following such a False Prophet? Miracles, that what evangelical Christians see in Governor Perry.
With the stock market sinking fast, the US credit rating becoming a step child, unemployment stampeding off a cliff and the government locked in confusion, a miracle is the only thing left for Christians to pray for. Faith and prayer are not going to do it this time. To get out of the mess we are in we'll need open mindedness and a willing to work together. Faith and prayer has it's place but they will only get in the way during a presidential election, reinforcing a False Prophet's powers. A power I hope will never come to be!
Thank you for this post, I fully agree with you. On our national radio I heard that if the elections were now, Mr.Perry would obtain 41% of the votes. Over here in Germany we often have difficulties to understand Americans and their fascination of (by?) right-wing fundamentalist Republicans. Let's hope that there are more people like you! (Please excuse any language mistakes. I learned English at school, long long long ago.)