America and China are the world's two largest economies. It now looks as though a trade war is brewing between the two countries. Last week the war started out small with both countries slapping tariffs on a few of their imported goods. This week the the war's battles resumed with tariffs on a whole host of goods from soy beans to televisions. I sure hope this is not the beginning of something that is irreversible. President Trump says a trade war is easily won but the only thing such a war does is to increase prices at least 25% on just about every thing. The American workers who think their jobs will be saved by placing tariffs on imported good will soon find out they are sadly mistaken. Trump's tariffs will backfire on them.

One of China's largest American imports is soy beans. By products from soy beans go into just every food product. The tariff America placed on soy beans is going to hit China's population very hard. It will probably cause food prices in China to rise quiet a bit. China in turn will probably start buying their soy beans in South America, which will hurt American farmers. One of America's largest China imports is electronics. Just wait until Black Friday when you think your going to get a fantastic deal on that new television, tablet, computer or phone, your going to pay 25% more. Major retailers count on electronic specials to draw customers into their stores during the holiday season. The holiday season for American retailers is going to a dud this year.
The United States of America is suppose to be about free trade but I'm beginning to think free trade might be a thing of the past. President Trump started this trade war. He needs to be placed on a B1 Bomber and dropped over China.
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