Friday, September 04, 2020

Call Me Frugal But Don't Call Me Cheap

     Living in a very expensive city takes a lot of skill.  With one bedroom apartments  in Austin averaging $1340 plus bills a month, my little RV on Lake Travis is heaven at $395 plus electric bill between $25-$40 a month.  My rent and utilities cost 1/4 of what the average Austin apartment cost.  I'll be the first to admit I live a very frugal lifestyle.  Oh I like to spend money on stuff I need or think I need but I just try to maximize what little I have to spend with as little stress as possible.  So how do I afford a decent lifestyle on very little income, several ways.  I'm a comparison shopper and bargain hunter.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cheapskate.  I'll pay for quality sometimes and quantity other times.  What works for me might not work for someone else, I just look at all the angles when it comes to spending money.
     Don't be confused, being cheap is not the same as being frugal.  If your a cheapskate your closed  fisted.  Cost is the bottom line and penny pinching triumphs over quality every time for a cheapskate.  Frugal people enjoy spending money, they just want to maximize their money.  They don't compromise on quality if it's something they really want.  Whether your a Cheap person or a Frugal person really takes place over a lifetime but once that choice is determined it really doesn't change, your branded 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Frugal person and cheapskate person are the same thing!!! Both don't want to spend money! Just saying!!!!!ybb


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