As a child, going grocery shopping with my mother was quite an experience especially when we got to the meat counter. Meat of any kind was not packaged like it is today. 60 years ago you had to ask the butcher for the meat you wanted. In the case of bologna, the butcher would hold up a huge tube of what looked like a giant wienie. The butcher would ask my mother how many pounds she wanted and how thick or thin she wanted each slice. Times have sure changed but today's bologna taste the same today as it did 60 years ago.
Around the age of 6 I can remember going on fishing trips with my father were bologna and cheese sandwiches were more plentiful that the fish we caught. By the time I was 10 I was frying bologna in Worcestershire sauce and by 18 I was taking a bologna and cheese sandwich to work every day. In fact I ate a fried Worcestershire and bologna on white bread and bologna with cheese on white bread sandwiches this week but they did not make me fill like I was 10 or 18 again. When I saw the recipe for a Bologna Bowl maybe it was my chance to be a new bologna boy at age 66. I'll admit the recipe did not sound too promising but bologna in it's processed goodness can't ever be screwed up so I took a bowl out of the cabinet and went to work constructing myself a bologna bowl.
I love bologna!!!!!! It's my fav lunchmeat!!!! And no all beef bologna for me.............I like the cheap Bar S brand! Tastes more like the old fashion BOLOGNA!!ybb