Friday, March 27, 2020

Where Has All The Toilet Paper Gone

     Strange things are happening since the Covid 19 virus hit America.  Toilet paper has disappeared.  It's almost to the point that the precious commodity is worth it's weight in gold.  Why is everyone scrambling to buy every paper product every made.  I the store I buy my groceries the paper products isle is completely empty,
     Panic buying during a crisis is nothing new.  When a hurricane hits, people buy ice and non perishable food but toilet paper is not on the top of their list.  They can usually drive a few miles and buy everything they need. Panic buying in nothing more that wanting to feel in control.  For about a week people have been shopping like the world is coming to an end.  If they find toilet paper they buy every roll in sight.  When toilet paper is out of stock they buy facial tissue and paper napkins to wipe their ass.  Now there's a bigger crisis, all those tissues and napkins are clogging  up the sewer lines.
     We are all social animals so when we see one person do something we usually follow.  That explains the disappearance of all the toilet paper.  There is only one reason to buy toilet paper in bulk, that's when it's a huge bargain.  I do know how to spot a bargain so lets just say I've got plenty of toilet paper.  I counted my stash and it totaled 71 rolls.  An atomic bomb could dropped on America and I would still be able to wipe my ass for a very long time.. 


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    71 rolls!!!!!!!!!! That's a lot of ass wiping!!!!! On second thought...... may not be that much ass whipping!!!!!! I guess it depends on the size of the ass that's getting wiped!ybb

  2. I've always been full of shit so got plenty of toitet paper


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