Friday, April 03, 2020

Buying Groceries During COVAD 19

     Buying groceries during the COvAD 19 emergency takes some planing.  Lots of products are out of stock.  Stores have reduced hours and lines form to enter some stores.  I had not been to any stores since the COVAD 19 emergency started but had been told by many  what to expect.  With plenty of food and supplies on hand I had the option of setting back a couple of weeks before I needed to go to the grocery store.   The extra time not only gave me time to come up with a plan of attack and avoid all those crazy people who rushed to the stores in the first two week to buy everything they saw.  Curbside pickup was the plan I chose in this war.  I live too far from the store so home delivery was not an option.
      I tried the curbside option, letting store employees  shop for me and bring the groceries to my car.   Lets just say I could get used to this service, it worked out great.  There were some items on my list that were  out of stock and a few items that were substituted but over all the process was a great. experience.  For now the service is free but I'll probably use it again even when they start charging for the service.  It was a lot simpler that I thought it would be.  Ordering products on the store's web site was easy and fast and picking up the groceries was even easier, I did not even have to get out of the car. The only issue was from the time of placing the order the earliest pick up time was seven days later but that was only because so many people are using the service during COVAD 19.  The way I look at it, things could be a lot lot worse.  We could all be standing in line waiting for the government to hand us a box of food without knowing what's in the box.  Even worse we all could be standing in line with bowl in hand waiting for someone to place a ladle of soup in our bowl. 


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