Friday, March 12, 2021

Covid Relief

      The 1.9 trillion dollar Covid Relief bill passed Wednesday and President Biden signed it into law Thursday.  There were bumps in the road along the way but that always happens in a bill this big.  Personally I never thought the bill would not become law.  This was the first big test for the Biden administration.  Unlike the last time, this time the Democrats did not really try to get any Republicans on board.  They did what the American public wanted them to do, Republicans support or no Republican support.  The Republicans 600 billion dollar Covid Relief proposal was a joke.  The Republican are so out of touch.  Do I need to remind them more than 524,000 Americans have died from Covid and that the virus has wrecked  the economy.  The bill that President Biden  signed into law is not only about getting shots into the arms of Americans, it about getting money into the economy.  The Democrats did not get the $15 minimum wage they wanted but that was a small price to pay for getting the bill passed.  All Americans should be encouraged by the bills passage whether your Democrat or Republican.   This is government working for you, not you working for the government.  This is why I'm a Democrat.

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