It has taken me several weeks to locate a Sun Tea jar. That process sounded like it would be an easy task but after several trips to Walmart and Target I had no luck at finding the jar I wanted. I finnaly found one at my local grocery store and to make matters even sweeter the Sun Tea jar was only $5. I rushed home from the grocery store and knew exactly what to do, make a delicious gallon of tea. There is something special about stringing tea bags together and placing then in a large jar of water. Watching the tea bags float around as the sun slowly turns the water a dark color seems to make the finished product taste better. Maybe the Sun's slow heating of the water is the special ingredient that make the tea taste different. Maybe it's the patience of waiting a half day before you can sample the brew that makes it special but what ever it is Sun Tea is always a special treat and one of the best drinks around.
I really don't care how tea is served. It can be in a tall glass with lots of ice or pipping hot in a cup. But served at room temperature with no attention made to the size of vessel is the way I drink it most of the time. Fresh mint, lemon slices, sugar or other additives can change tea into a festive drink but I like mine plain without anything added to it. I don't want you to think I'm a dull person just because I drink plain straight tea. If you know me well you will remember thats how I used to drink bourbon and vodka, straight with a small splash of water. I haven't changed much other than the fact that I don't drink bourbon or vodka anymore so maybe I am a little dull but at least now my nose does not light up like Rudolph's nose when I fix myself a drink.
Nothing says Summer more that a drink of tea. Who knows, maybe this summer when the temperature climbs into the triple digits and the humidity soars I'll get a little creative and invite the neighbors over for a Sun Tea party.
My sun tea is made in a recyclyed 1 gallon pickle jar, but maybe most can't do the same, because my pickle jar was recycled from Momma and is thick glass and now they are plastic!
I do remember the days when Momma made sun tea....but I myself am not a tea drinker....