Friday, October 15, 2010

The Nose Knows

If you've had a congested nose lately you get me as company.  Its hay fever season or more accurately ragweed season.  Ragweed pollen is supposed to have peaked this week but I am not counting on that fact.  This has been the worst ragweed season in Austin since 1983.  This is due to the unusually wet summer we had.  We had rain last night so the ragweed pollen count is only 35 but the three previous days the count was 834,607 and 723. Anything above 250 is considered high.  Several days this year the count has been above 2000 and it looks like an average around 500 will be the norm for this ragweed season. Last year the ragweed pollen count never got above 250 so I don't have to remind all you allergy sufferers just how bad this year really is.
Ragweed season usually starts in September and peaks around the beginning of October but this year, October may be the middle point of the season.  The experts say the ragweed plants are so big and numerous that the season will probably carry right on through to cedar season which starts around the middle of December.  That's just great!  This year my nose won't get a two month reprieve before it starts complaining again.  Looks like I may have to take out a bank loan  just so I can buy all the Claritin my nose will hollow for. If ragweed only effected the nose I would not complain so much but it effects my skin, teeth,ears,eyes, respiratory system and several other things.  Some days my whole body seems to be fighting ragweed.
If my nose could talk,  pollen problems probably would not be it's first statement.  It would probably want to know why it's so big and how the heck did it get so crooked.  Then it would tell me to stop complaining because ragweed pollen is a lot better than all the other stuff I used to shove up my nose. Now where did I put that Claritin bottle?


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Ybb must be blessed, cause pollen count never bothers ybb.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Sorry Bro Blog....for all your allergies.....


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