Friday, October 22, 2010

Surprise Surprise

Elections are right around the corner and both parties are mounting a galloping  charge towards November 2nd  2010.  The Republicans are manning their charge with a simple campaign message.  President Barack Obama,  a  free spending, retro liberal that is going to drive America towards socialism and eventual ruin  can be heard at the top of their charge.  This so called fact is so far from the truth the only thing it's good for is to be used as the anthem for Fox News.
The US has seen fifteen straight months of economic growth vs the last twelve month of the Bush administration that saw the nations gross domestic production fall off a cliff and drive this nation into the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression. There have more jobs created in the last eight months than in the  entire  eight years of the Bush administration.  Those  facts alone should be the rallying cry of the Democrats.  Myself nor hardly anyone else expect the Democrats to make gains in the mid term elections but the avalanche of Democratic losses expected may be overstated.  All political speculation aside, it is indeed good news that we've probably made it to the other side of economic ruin.  So no matter what the outcome of the elections are, we have been lucky.
There are not many surprises in the month of November.  We all know a turkey will be trotting onto our dinner table, the Texas Longhorns will play the Texas Aggies and Christmas is only a month away.  The only unanswered question is whether the voters will happily  surprise President Obama, giving him continued control of both Houses of Congress or will the President get a surprise surprise that will upend the rest of his presidency.

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