It's always sad when a very public figure runs their life off the rails. The latest example of this is the ongoing derailment of Charlie Sheen. He has had a long history of substance abuse along with other unflattering life issues but his current high speed derailment is the worst. It would not surprise me if his locomotive crashes and burns before and if the rails can ever be repaired.
The media is playing up this disaster way too much but then again the public loves a train wreck. He is just another crack head, they are a dime a dozen! The only difference between Charlie and all the other millions of crack heads in America is that Charlie is the only one who makes $2 million for every episode of the television show Two and a Half Men. The fact that this particular crack head added porn stars to his house hold decor is not helping him fight the addiction demons. I don't know which I hate worse crack cocaine or porn, both destroy society.
If CBS and Warner Brothers are smart they will never make another episode of Two and a Half Men staring Mr. Sheen. If I want to watch something staring Charlie I'll rent a copy of the movie Platoon but I won't watch Two and a Half Men. I don't watch much mainstream television program anyway so Two and a Half Men has never been on my radar. I mostly stick to the local Public Broadcast Television programming where the only crack heads you will see are in documentaries and it's a safe bet that the documentary stars do not make $2 million nor are they surrounded by porn stars.
The days when all television shows were all as holsome as The Andy Griffith Show are long gone . You would never find crack cocaine or porn stars in Mayberry but if you did you can rest assured Barnie Fifth would be on the case. Just the sight of a crack pipe or XXX rated video would shift Barnie into high speed, looking for the upcoming derailment. Maybe CBS and Warner Brothers should hire the deputy to patrol the set of Two and a Half men and it's actors. I can hear Deputy Fifth now "YOU GOT TO NIP IT IN THE BUD"
I agree Deputy Fife should nip in the bud this stupid Sheen nut!
I so agree......Sheen has gone off the deep end this one and I repeat no one is worth that kind of money....watching him on the news is jut so sad....maybe he CAN turn his life around.
If life was as simple as the Andy Griffith now that would be GREAT.