Friday, June 17, 2011

Bats Doves And Chickens

     The 2012 Presidential race has officially began.  This week's Republican debate did not produce a creditable candidate   The last time a Republican tried to topple  a Democratic President was in 1996 when Bill Clinton was setting on the throne.  If the media portrays any of these candidates as a worthy successor to President Obama they have not learned a thing since the 1996 campaign.
     What I saw this week was a form of entertainment and nothing more.  If the Republicans are going to beat fired up and ready to go Obama they better find some different candidates.  The smart Republicans with a real chance of winning have all decided to wait until 2016.  Most of them doubt very seriously that Obama can be beaten in 2012.  Then there is the crowd that's sure Obama is doomed because of the weak economy.  Which do you believe?  If I had to place a bet, I would side with the smart republicans who have decided to set it out until 2016.
     The Republicans need to spice things up if they have a chance of winning with the candidates in their line up.  If a couple of their candidates were to bite the head of a few chickens we could see some real competition but we all know that's not going to happen.  The GOP will do the same thing they always do and pick their candidate from the "Who's Turn Is It Next" list .  My advice to the GOP is to hire Ozzy Osbourne.  Now there is a man that knows how to bite the head off of things.  Ozzy chomped down on the heads of bat and a dove and spit them into the crowd so I'll bet he could teach the Republicans a few crowd pleasing chicken tricks.  Please no emails from all you PETA wackos, this is a presidential campaign not a meeting for the ethical treatment of animals so stop reading this and go back to your gardens.  If you complain too much I'll send Ozzy to your house and have him play Black Sabbath heavy metal music all day.
    Are there any Republicans out there paying attention?  Ozzy has sold 100 million albums.  If that's not success I don't know what is so sign him to a personal services contract as fast as you can.  I'll be willing to bet he will bite the head off anything that's put in front of him.  I wonder if President  Obama is a Black Sabbath fan?

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