Remembering all of one's dreams is an impossibly. If we were able to remember just 10% it would be considered a success and if we could control those dreams it would be like hitting the lottery every time we closed our eyes. Everybody wants to be a millionaire don't they.
If you really think about dreams all they are just unfulfilled desires, some we like to admit to and some we don't. But they are always desires we have no control over and that's what I like best about dreams. Those unbridled desires that live in a land where control is not a word can be tantalizing to say the least. It would be nice if we could chose our dreams just like ordering food off of a menu but that restaurant will never open it's doors.
Dreams happen simply because the mind is constantly scattering around the subconscious desiring process. Desires are almost never fulfilled so they are termed fantasy. The best we can do is enjoy dreams, treating them like a movie. Sometimes the movie is a love story and other times it's a horror story. Either way the popcorn always taste the same.
We can all least that is what they always say.