The Declaration of Independence is full of pronouncements of equality and human rights. Yet for a long time all men were not created equal under the Declaration's written words. It was not until July of 1964 that all Americans were granted access to the voting both, public schools and public accommodations. America has proclaimed it's innocence for way too long. We seem to take one step forward and two steps backwards when it comes to the subject of race, sex and equality On this Fourth of July, take time to reflect on just how far we as a nation have come since 1964. Be grateful for all the privileges, the freedom and for those who suffered so that the Declaration of Independence can belong to everyone. Parades, fireworks, BBQ and concerts will fill the holiday as they do each year but the true meaning of the holiday lies in the lines of the Declaration of Independence. The first few lines in the Declaration of Independence makes it perfectly clear that every American is granted the freedom the Founding Fathers originally intended
Makes no difference to yyb the color of their skin!!!!! It's what's in the heart that is important!