Friday, June 14, 2019

Another Mass Shooting

     There was another mass shooting two weeks ago, 12 people were killed.  There seems to be one of these several times a month, each as tragic as the other.  There are over 300 million guns in America, at least one for every human in America.  For years there has been a push to regulate those guns but America is having none of it.  The opposition to some sort of gun control has been largely ineffective.  Oh there  was a ban of assault weapons for a few years but that made no difference in gun violence.  Even after all the mass shootings America's right to bear arms is not in jeopardy.  The second amendment isn't going anywhere anytime soon if not ever.
     Cars kill as many people as guns do so why don't we regulate gun ownership just like we do car ownership.  If you had to have insurance for gun ownership there would not be a gun problem in America because any insurance company it their right mind would not issue such a policy.
     There is no magic wand to stop mass shootings nor is there a way to stop one human from shooting another.  Guns are going to be in society as long as there is a society.  If I had my way, only police would be allowed to own and carry guns and if any citizen was caught with a gun, it would legal for the police to shoot to kill, no question ask.  I guess you can tell which side of the gun issue I stand on.  Next month if not sooner there will be another mass shooting and nothing will change because of it  More people will die at the hands of a gun and nothing will change

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