Friday, August 02, 2019

Keeping Cool In The Summer

     In Texas some sort of cool air machine is a must if one wishes  to stay comfortable in his or her home during the Summer.  I've lived with both central air conditioning and window AC units.  Practically speaking both get the job done so which one is the best system?  Economically, a window AC unit wins the prize, they are much cheaper to run than a central unit.  On the other hand a central ac system is set it and forget it.  It really depends on the home's floor plan and how much area you want to cool.  Window units are really designed for one or two rooms at the most where as central ac units are designed to cool the complete home.  Comfort wise and best economically way to stay cool  in my small living space is an  window  AC unit.  During the day I set it to 77 degrees and also sometimes  use a separate electric fan on and off through out the day when the outdoor temperature is near or above 100 degrees.  At night I set the AC window unit to 73 degrees around 6:30 PM then use an electric fan for the first few hours of the morning before the AC turns on at the day setting of 77 degrees.  This plan sure work well.  My monthly electric bill this Summer has never been over $33.00  .
     There are a few other ways to stay cool in one's home.  Keep the shades closed.   Natural light is good but it's an enemy of any ac unit.  Get a fan for the room your in.  Fans don't cool homes but they sure cool people.   Don't  use the stove to do any cooking during the day.  If your going to use the stove, do it before 9 AM, the rest of the day and night use a microwave.
     Summer in Texas can be brutal if one is not prepared.  People lived without AC for a long time but most of society can't live without in now.  We are used to the comfort cool air gives us.

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